Wednesday, June 10, 2009


We had our second photo class outing last Saturday, and we spent it wandering downtown between Barclay Street & Cedar Street. We were working on getting good pics in the shade, and let me tell you, I do not enjoy it! The colors just always seem a bit off. Plus, we were going between shade & sun, so it was even harder. But I think it will help me when trying to take pictures up at grandpa's.

We also played with motion, and learned how to make a car seem like it's really moving. It's kind of fun to get different people/cars while everything around them is blurred.

Our professor also showed us how to do this thing with the zoom (he said it was popular in the 70s, but I may have to bring it back). It makes it look like a vortex sucking everything else in! I love it ;)

Seeing how reflections come out.

We had about an hour to walk around and take pics, and these construction workers were right on the corner.

We stumbled across a tourist group of Amish girls on our way back to the classroom.

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