Thursday, February 22, 2007

I would laugh...

if these weren't true stories.

Today, the genius participants in the NYU College Republicans are staging an event called "Find the Illegal Immigrant." No, I'm not joking. They will be having a volunteer put on a nametage with "Illegal Immigrant" written on it. Other people will sign up to be INS officers, and will then find the illegal immigrant. The first to find him/her will win a prize. For finding a fake illegal immigrant. It's a game (apparently). Is anyone else as disturbed by this as I am? Does this make any sense at all? I can only see this leading to a lot of harassment and idiocy. Who thought this was a great idea?

On another immigration note, Kate just sent me a NY Times article about a "resort" in Mexico. You go down and they bring you on a 4-hour hike that mimicks crossing the border as if you were an illegal immigrant trying to make your way to America. Seriously. I guess it could be a good way to show what it takes to cross the border, but it just seems a little odd to me. Here's the story if you want to take a look.

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